Ansco 130

Lately I like to use the Ansco 130 positive developer again after years. But I’ve only recently started using it as a developer for developing negatives. Basically, I leave any negative film (120) motionless for 45 minutes in the developer.

  • Kodak TMAX 400, Ilford HP5+, Ilford F PAN +, Fomapan 100……
  • Ansco 130(homemade) dilution 1+20
  • 45min

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

homo homini lupus ….

  • place : Auschwitz II-Birkenau :extermination camp
  • Flexaret VII (6×4,5) + Nikon F4
  • Fomapan 100 + Kodak5222
  • Diafine + D76

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

games of the light…

I haven’t posted in a very long time. Sometimes it happens that nothing seems to be happening around, or the second case when there is too much going on and then there is no free time left for fun. That’s why I’m only adding a few shots while playing with the light and the developing in the studio

  • Nikon F4 + MF Samyang 2/135mm
  • Fomapan F100 +1 EV
  • pseudosolarization process with Rodinal & red light
  • Fomabrom C112 + Bürki@Jenny WT

  • Nikon F4 + MF Samyang 2/135mm
  • Fomapan F100 +1 EV
  • pseudosolarization process with Rodinal & red light
  • Fomabrom C112 + Bürki@Jenny CT
  • Bronica S2 + Nikon P 2,8/75mm + YF
  • TK100 (technical negative)
  • Rodinal 1:25
  • Fomabrom C112 + Bürki@Jenny CT

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

Lisbeth Salander is waiting…

Summer is probably over here, it’s gotten colder and it’s raining a lot. And so in the morning I look out the window…together with Lisbeth 🙃🎞📷

  • Bronica S2 + Nikkor P 200mm + ext.tubes
  • Fomapan 100@100 + FX 37 (first time)
  • Fomabrom N + Bürki@Jenny CT

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

back to the childhood

Every summer I travel to places where I spent my childhood. And sometimes I’m allowed to take pictures of my current childhood. I would ask the father of the little boy in the water to write to me so that I can send him a photo in better resolution…. 🙃🎞📷

  • Zenza Bronica S2 + Nikon F4
  • Nikkor P 75mm+ YF + Sigma 17-35mm
  • Foma Ortho 400 + Kodak 5231
  • D76

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

Variations with Pyro Plus…

I’ve been tuning the PYRO Plus positive developer this week. By adding a certain amount of pyrogallol at the expense of pyrocatechin. With some combinations of these two developing agents, toning of photographs is no longer necessary . However, the papers must be placed in the bowl with the sensitive layer facing up. Otherwise, you may see streaks from the ribbing on the bottom of the bowl in your photos🙃📷🙏

  • Bronica S2A + Nikon P 75mm
  • Fomapan Ortho 400 + yellow filter+ Agfa Rodinal 1:50,25°C
  • Fomabrom Variant 112 + PYRO Plus ( different variants)

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

theme: grain & wind…red weed…hand

Those who have known me for a long time know that I always take pictures with several cameras. Why? Nobody puts my cameras in the corner …🙃📷🎞

  • Bronica S2 + Nikon F4
  • Nikkor P 2,,8/75mm+Sigma Apo 2,8/17-35mm
  • Fomapan F100@200 + Kodak 5231 exp 2009
  • Agfa Rodinal 1:25 + FX 37 1:3 + Diafine
  • Fomabrom Variant 112 split grade + Burki@Jenny CT (intro with sepia toner)

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©


I must have been tired or thinking about something else… In short, when developing one 120 negative, I used the same amount of developer as when developing 35mm film (right before that I developed three 35mm films). So it was low of developer in the development tank. Thanks to this, the resulting image was divided into a well developed part and a poorly developed part. I angrily crumpled the wet negative and threw it in the ash bucket. The next day I took the crumpled negative out of the bucket and put it under the glass in the scanner…. I got even more mad at myself. They could have been beautiful photos 🙃🎞📷

  • Pentacon Six TL + Biometar Zebra 2,8/80mm + yellow filter
  • Fomapan ORTHO 400 + Agfa Rodinal from 60′
  • bucket + ash
  • linear scan

All scans are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

Foma ORTHO 400…

Last week, the Czech company Foma released a new orthographic film with a nominal sensitivity of ISO 400. So I immediately bought several rolls and started to choose the developer with which I will use this negative. We were warned by the manufacturer that there is no anti-halation layer on the negative, so it will not be possible to photograph yellow in backlight. Well, I tried everything I had mixed 🙃🎞📷 –

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©

the maintenance…

Today I decided to replace the foam under the mirror on the Bronica S2 again . The special foam I was using before was too hard and sometimes I focused completely different than I wanted. Now I used a different special foam, but it is intended for drywallers and not for repairing cameras. Even though it is ten times cheaper, it does the job perfectly. Since I had nothing to take pictures of, I at least pointed the lens at another old camera(TLR Flexaret) that I am repairing now🙃📷🛠

  • Zenza Bronica S2 + Nikon P f 2,8/75mm
  • Ilford FP4 Plus + D76 homemade stock(continuous agitation)
  • Fomaspeed Variant 312 split grading + homemade Dektol

All photos are my own and copyrighted. Their use is prohibited without my written consent.MIC©