I will not reveal anything new to experienced darkroom technicians. When printing photos in a darkroom, we can use photo papers in three degrees of gradation. Soft, normal and hard. Or we use multigradation papers, when we control the gradation of the resulting photo using filters. We use the yellow filters to reduce the gradation and the purple filters to increase the gradation.
- Pentacon Six TL + CZ Biometar 50mm Zebra
- TK100 + MP271
- MG Fomabrom Variant & Fomabrom C112 + Dektol
The first photo was exposed for 4 x 3 sec. total 12 sec. The first 9 seconds were with the use of a yellow filter and the last 3 seconds without a filter on MG papers Fomabrom Variant

The second photo was a 9.sec print on ordinary Fomabrom C112 with hard gradation….

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